Insiders explain why Ben Affleck looked unrecognizable on the Netflix show

Ben Affleck didn't have plastic surgery before his Netflix show, insiders say. They claim he simply shaved and got a couple of Botox injections.
The other day, Ben Affleck appeared on a TV show and surprised everyone with a strange transformation - all the facial wrinkles disappeared on his face. This provoked rumors that the actor had undergone plastic surgery, and a lot of rather caustic comments appeared online that Ben Affleck had become like Elon Musk and his photograph should be decorated with cigarette packs as a warning of what this bad habit can lead to.
However, insiders assure that Ben Affleck did not undergo any plastic surgery: “Ben looks great. He had Botox done - everyone does it before events. He did not do any fillers and certainly did not resort to surgery,” a source told DailyMail .com.
According to the insider, the actor’s wife, Jennifer Lopez, is more than pleased with his appearance and does not want him to undergo any operations; she believes that he has a beautiful face. The source also noted that Ben Affleck is happy with his skin, but wanted it to be a little firmer. And on top of that, he had a clean shave.
Earlier, rumors began to appear on the Internet that the family of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez was again having problems caused by temporary separation - the actor was busy filming and could not devote much time to his family, which did not suit Jennifer Lopez.