Kim Kardashian published a photo with her daughters amid a wave of criticism against her eldest daughter North

Kim Kardashian posted a new photo on Instagram* with her daughters North and Chicago. The photos were taken at the reality TV star's Hidden Hills mansion. In one of the photos, Kim's mother Kris Jenner poses with them. In the comments to the post, Kim wrote: “My girls.”
The photos come amid controversy over the performance of North, who turns 11 in two weeks. The girl took part in a concert dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the cartoon "The Lion King", where she played the role of little Simba, but many did not like her performance. /img]
According to haters, North sang and moved poorly compared to professional actors. People online have condemned North's parents for using their connections to push North into the show so that she may have taken the place of another, more talented child. Others said that Kardashian simply exposed her daughter to ridicule by not ensuring that the child was taught how to sing and dance before the performance.
Other users were more supportive: they urged not to criticize the 10-year-old girl for her parents’ ambitions. Previously, both Kim and Kanye have already received punishment for raising a child. North is also often criticized: most recently, many condemned her overly mature look, which included a French manicure.
This performance was not the first for North: she had already appeared on stage with her father Kanye West. In an interview, North stated that she wants to be a star and follow in the footsteps of her parents.