Armie Hammer talks about his life changing after being accused of cannibalism and being "canceled" in Hollywood

Actor Armie Hammer, who was accused of sexual assault and cannibalism, said he felt grateful for the charges brought against him, saying he was now a changed man.
"People called me a cannibal, and everyone believed them. They said: "Yes, this guy ate people." What are you talking about?! Do you even know what you need to do to become a cannibal? To do this you need to eat people. They were strange accusations," the 37-year-old actor said on the Painful Lessons podcast.
The actor said that after the scandal, his entire past life collapsed: “It was as if a neutron bomb exploded in my life. It killed me, killed my ego, killed all the people around me whom I considered my friends, but who were not - all these people They left in the blink of an eye. But the world around continued to exist, the buildings did not collapse. And I myself am still here, I am alive and well. And I am very grateful for that.”
Hammer noted that he was now a completely different person. "I'm actually really grateful for all of this now. Before all of this happened to me, I felt somehow wrong. I never felt truly satisfied with life, I was never enough. It wasn't like that. moment when I would be happy with myself and have everything in order with my self-esteem." The actor, whose popularity reached a new level after the 2017 film Call Me By Your Name, added that after the scandal his career went “nowhere” and he now has no weight in Hollywood.
Hammer was charged in 2021, when leaked sex correspondence of the actor, who was married at that time, was leaked online, where he discussed BDSM practices with girls. Later, other stories about the actor’s sexual addictions began to appear, including physical and psychological violence against women, control, dreams of cannibalism, as well as a “pain room” that he equipped in his house. Hammer denied everything, but a secret Instagram account was later discovered in which he discussed sex and drugs. The actor has since made a public statement and admitted his involvement in the allegations, but said he has never forced anyone to do anything against their will. Nevertheless, the actor agreed to go to a rehab for treatment for sex addiction. Charges of sexual assault were also brought against Hammer, but they were later dropped.
After that, he was "canceled", losing contracts, work in Hollywood and his family. Amid financial problems, Armie Hammer found work in real estate in the Cayman Islands and has lived there for the last few years. Because of the scandal, his wife Elizabeth Chambers left him, saying that she did not even suspect her husband's inclinations. They later had a court case, discussing custody issues for their two children.