No prohibited substances were found in the house, and a certain “famous woman” was detained as part of the investigation: new details of the death of Matthew Perry have become known

New details have emerged about the death of Friends star Matthew Perry, and a famous woman has been arrested as part of the investigation. He died late last year after drowning in a swimming pool, and the cause of death was allegedly an overdose of ketamine, which he was taking to treat depression. However, as reported by In Touch Weekly, there are many inconsistencies in his case.
Thus, during the investigation, it turned out that no prohibited substances were found in the actor’s house, and his course of ketamine therapy with a doctor took place a week and a half ago. And since the drug is quickly metabolized, the ketamine in his body could not remain in his body from the procedure and, moreover, cause death: this is clarified in the forensic expert’s report.
According to the investigator, someone could have brought the actor ketamine. Suspicion fell on a certain woman who was detained.
Her name is not given, but it is specified that she is very famous in her own right, and became famous thanks to her marriage to a “star of the first magnitude.” Journalists of the publication know her name, but they cannot reveal it in the interests of the investigation.
The woman, whom the actor met in rehab, was shocked by her arrest and believes she has nothing to do with the case. "It's hard to say what her role is [in Matthew's death], but she's adamant that she has nothing to do with it. She has hired lawyers and has met with law enforcement multiple times since they arrived at her home with a search warrant. She's been tight-lipped about the situation. But investigators must know something to have gotten a search warrant," the publication's sources say.
Matthew Perry died at his home in Los Angeles at the age of 55, his body was discovered in a jacuzzi by his assistant. It is noted that no drugs or alcohol were found at the scene. It is known that the actor suffered from alcohol and drug addiction and depression for many years. He talks about this in detail in his memoirs. According to the actor, he spent more than $9 million to get sober, attended six thousand Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and was in rehab 15 times.