Дочь Мадонны Лурдес Леон показала шпагат в съёмке для модного бренда

Lourdes Leon became the face of the new collection of the David Koma brand. The 27-year-old daughter of the singer Madonna posed for the advertising campaign in the designer's clothes, taking unusual poses.
In one of the pictures, Lourdes is captured doing the splits: dressed in a fringed bodysuit and stiletto heels, she shows off her stretch marks and the tattoos on her legs. In other photos, she poses topless in a white skirt, lies down in a red dress with her feet facing the audience, or squats in a long black coat.
Georgian-born designer David Koma was impressed by his work with Leon and noted her professionalism.
"Working with the incredible Lourdes Leon as the first 'face' of the season was a truly fantastic experience," he wrote. "She embodies authenticity and has a vibrant sense of self-expression that is incredibly inspiring. She is the perfect embodiment of the Koma Girl - a complex character, tough yet sensual, free yet controlled, young yet mature."
Lourdes Leon is the eldest daughter of 65-year-old Madonna, whom she had with Cuban actor Carlos Leon. Lourdes followed in her mother's footsteps and is developing a career as a singer, dancer and model. She often poses for brands and magazine covers in revealing images.