Katy Perry, who was suspected of using Ozempic, posed in a transparent acrylic top

Katy Perry has posted a photo on Instagram* in a futuristic look. The singer, who was previously suspected of using the diabetes drug Ozempic, poses in an acrylic top, and her image in Western tabloids was compared to a mermaid.
The new photo is an announcement of the singer's video Woman's World, the teaser of which she presented the day before. "Sleep tight, the portal will open tomorrow," she wrote.
Recently, 39-year-old Katie has been discussed online a lot because of her changed figure: not so long ago, Orlando Bloom's wife was not so thin. Katie is suspected of using the drug for diabetics Ozempic, which has become a fashionable way of losing weight among celebrities. The stars are in no hurry to admit that they are losing weight with the help of Ozempic, since they constantly face criticism on this matter: they are accused of promoting unnatural weight loss among their fans, which, moreover, can be dangerous to health.
For example, recently the tabloids discussed the case that happened to fashion journalist Derek Blasberg. He had diarrhea right at Gwyneth Paltrow's party, and he even tried to use Dasha Zhukova's connections to hide the incident from public attention - but he failed to do so. According to rumors, the diarrhea was caused by the use of "Ozempic".
*Instagram is owned by Meta, an organization recognized as extremist in Russia