How to cook shish kebab in a cauldron, on the stove and in the oven: step-by-step recipes

How to cook shish kebab in a cauldron, in the oven, on the stove
How to cook shish kebab in a cauldron on a fire
- Pork — 2.5 kg,
- Onion — 900 g,
- Fat — 500 g,
- Salt — 1 tbsp.,
- Allspice - 1 tbsp.,
- Parsley — to taste.
How to cook shish kebab in a cauldron on a campfire: step-by-step recipe
- Prepare the products: clean and wash the onion, parsley and a piece of meat (it is better to take the neck part of the pork), rinse under running water. The meat is dried with paper towels, the fat is cut into plates of 0.5 cm.
- Each onion is cut in half, and then shred into small half-rings. Cut the meat into medium pieces, finely chop the parsley. We salt and pepper the meat, you can add your favorite spices. Mix the chopped onion and parsley in a separate container.
- Spread the fat evenly on the bottom of the cauldron. We distribute the pieces of pork on top, put the onion and parsley on the meat. Layers of meat and onions alternate, make the top layer of greens.
- We light a fire and put the cauldron on a large fire with the lid closed. After 10 minutes, we check the fat: if it is melted, then it is worth mixing the meat, if not, leave it for a while longer.
- We cook the meat for another 30 minutes under a closed lid, stirring from time to time. At the end of cooking, open the lid to allow the excess liquid to evaporate.
Life hack: by the way, this shish kebab can be made from any meat: if you use beef, the cooking time will increase, and if you use chicken, it will decrease.
How to cook shish kebab in a frying pan
- Pork (neck) - 800 gr,
- Water — 60 ml,
- Table vinegar — 1 tbsp.,
- Vegetable oil — 5 tbsp.,
- Black pepper — 1/3 tsp.,
- Onion — 1 piece,
- Salt — to taste,
- Zira (cumin) - 1/3 tsp.
How to cook shish kebab on the stove: step-by-step recipe
- Prepare the products: cut the pork into pieces weighing 100 g, clean and chop the onion in a blender. Mix the meat and onion gruel. Grind the pepper with peas and lightly fry in a frying pan to fully reveal its flavor. Add pepper to the meat.
- Rub the cumin in a mortar, add to the meat, salt, pour in 6% vinegar, vegetable oil, cold boiled water, mix the shish kebab with your hands. Cover the bowl with the meat and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
- Put the marinated pieces of meat in a frying pan in one layer (i.e. not all at once) and fry over medium heat until they are browned. We also make sure that they are prepared inside, since there will be no subsequent bringing to readiness.
- We spread the hot shish kebab on a dish, decorate it with vegetables and herbs.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven
- Pork (neck) — 1 kg,
- Onion — 4-5 pieces,
- Parsley-large bunch,
- Adjika (or seasoning for shish kebab) - 1 tsp.,
- Tomatoes in their own juice-0.7-1 liter,
- Vegetable oil — 1 tbsp.,
- Salt — to taste,
- Freshly ground pepper, hardwood chips (pear, apple, birch, alder, beech, rosemary) - optional.
How to cook shish kebab in the oven: step-by-step recipe
- We prepare the products. Peel and cut the onion into half rings, coarsely chop the parsley, rinse the meat and cut into medium pieces.
- Put the onion in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and knead with your hands. Add the parsley to the onion and mix. Also in the same bowl, add the meat, add adzhika, tomatoes in their own juice, salt or seasonings for shish kebab. Mix everything well. The meat can be left to marinate for an hour at room temperature or put in the refrigerator overnight.
- Soak the wooden skewers in boiling water for 15 minutes to make them burn less. Then we put the meat on the skewers. We prepare a baking dish, at the bottom of which we put the foil and pour a little hot water to make the shish kebab more juicy. We spread the shish kebab on an improvised grill.
- Cook the shish kebab for 25 minutes in the top+bottom mode. We take the hot shish kebab out of the oven and serve it on the table.
Life hack: to make a barbecue with a "smoke", you can take a chip of hardwoods. We put it in a form of foil for baking and put it on the bottom of the oven. When the oven is heated to 220 degrees, you can gently set fire to the wood chips. In a closed oven, the fire will quickly go out, and the resulting smoke will permeate the meat. Only you need to be very careful, the recommendation concerns an electric oven. All safety precautions must be observed.