Marble Easter: TOP 3 most delicate recipes

At Easter, you can prepare not only traditional pasca, but also more refined desserts. We offer you the most delicate and flavorful recipes of marble pasok, both baked from flour, and without it at all. Your culinary masterpiece will not only melt in your mouth, but also delight the eye with colorful streaks.
Marble Easter made of flour
- Flour-2.5 cups,
- Butter — 250 g
- Sugar — 1 cup
- Eggs — 4 pcs.
- Cocoa powder-50 g
- Milk — 0.5 cups
- Salt — 1/4 tsp.
- Starch — 3 tbsp. l.
- Baking powder for the dough — 2 tsp.
Cooking method
- Add salt to the softened butter and rub it with sugar. Add one egg at a time and knead.
- Mix the sifted flour with the baking powder for the dough and starch. Gradually add it to the butter-egg mixture, stirring thoroughly.
- Add the milk at room temperature. Beat the dough well again.
- Put the dough into 2 parts, in one of them pour cocoa powder.
- In a greased form, spread the dough in turn of different colors: a spoonful of light, a spoonful of chocolate. Thus, the dough will flow one into the other, forming a marble pattern.
- Bake the marble paste in a preheated 180 degree oven for about an hour.
- The finished paste is slightly cooled and removed from the mold. Garnish with icing or melted chocolate.
Marble Easter from cottage cheese
- Cottage cheese – 500 g
- Sour cream (20%) - 200 ml,
- Milk – 70 ml
- Dried apricots-for savor
- Sugar– 150 g
- Vanilla sugar – 10 g
- Cocoa powder – 5 tbsp.
- Gelatin – 20 g.
Cooking method
- Make a jelly out of gelatin. Fill with water so that it covers the powder, mix and leave to swell for 10 minutes.
- Heat the milk well so that it is hot, but do not bring it to a boil. Gradually pour the milk into the gelatin, stirring constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
- In a deep bowl or in a saucepan, put the cottage cheese, sour cream, add sugar and vanilla sugar. Using an immersion blender, mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved, and the curd mass is homogeneous, without lumps.
- Pour the milk and gelatin into the curd mixture and mix well again.
- Divide the curd mass into two equal parts. To one part add cocoa powder, to the other — crushed dried apricots.
- We covered the pasochnitsa with gauze in two layers, so that the folds turned out in the corners of the form.
- Spread the curd mass in the form of a different composition in turn: 1 tbsp. l. white mixture with cookies, 1 tbsp. l. chocolate mass. This will create a marble pasca pattern. Cover the mold with gauze and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
- In the morning, carefully remove the pasca from the mold, remove the gauze, put it on a dish and you can decorate.
Caramel marble pasca
For Easter:
- Cottage cheese (dry) - 550 g
- Butter — 75 g
- Sugar — 100 g
- Sour cream 20% - 90 g
- Eggs — 2 pcs.
- Salt-a pinch
- Roasted peanuts-40 g
For the caramel:
- Sugar — 100 g
- Water — 25 g
- Cream 33% - 140 g
- Butter — 10 g
Cooking method
- First, prepare the caramel. Bring the cream to a boil. Combine the water and sugar in a saucepan, dissolve the sugar over low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the solution begins to acquire a light amber hue. Take it off the heat.
- Add the oil to the solution, stir. Then pour in the cream, stir, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and set the caramel to cool.
- Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add softened butter, sugar, a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly. Then add the sour cream, eggs and mix well again.
- Put a pot of cottage cheese on the stove and over medium heat constantly rub the mass with a spoon, heating it to the first bubbles. This will take about 4 minutes.
- Remove the pan from the stove and put it in a wide container with cold water to cool the curd mass. After cooling, you can put the pan in the refrigerator.
- Chop the roasted peanuts and mix them with the caramel.
- Bring the cream to a boil and pour the chocolate, broken into pieces, so that it dissolves.
- Mix the cooled curd mass with caramel and melted chocolate glaze. Part of the chocolate mass and caramel leave for decoration.
- Cover the pasochnitsa with gauze in two-three layers and spread the mass. Cover the paska with mareli, press it down with a press and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Periodically drain the accumulated serum from the mold.
- The finished pasca is released from the mold and gauze, put on a plate and decorate with chocolate, caramel and peanuts.
Find out also the recipe for paschi-krafin with cranberries for Easter.