Cheese snack recipe from Oksana Chernova

Today, it is difficult to imagine any party or family celebration without a cheese plate on the table, and the decoration of this dish will always be grana padano and parmesan. In fact, the reason is not needed to eat these cheese masterpieces-so he believesOksana Chernova, cheese expert and trainer at the ProCheese Academy. She shared with MustHub her love of grana padano and a recipe for the signature snack.
The world-famous grana padano cheese is the cousin of the king of parmesan cheese, because the technology and recipe for making these unique cheeses are almost the same. But their main difference is in the aging and maturity, price, and also in the fact that parmesan is prepared only in the Emilia-Romagna region from the milk of cows that eat only local grass and hay, without adding other feed. For the first time, the grana padano was made 900 years ago by the monks of a Benedictine monastery.
The cheese is made throughout the Padan Plain, the producers adhere to the ancient tradition of cheese making even now, and the quality of the cheeses is evaluated by a special conformity assessment.
Mature hard cheese grana padano has a pronounced milky taste with a hint of cooked vegetables and has rightfully won the love of cheese connoisseurs all over the world. Grana padano can not be cut into even pieces, this cheese crumbles, it is broken with your hands before serving or grated as an ingredient to another dish. Housewives often add it to pasta, lasagna, and hard crusts are put in the soup for a special rich taste, because the cheese crust is formed naturally and is not processed by anything.
It is important that due to the process of long maturation and fermentation of cow's milk, protein and lactose are broken down into amino acids, which means that the refined taste of this cheese can be enjoyed even by those who have lactose intolerance.
Grana padano with pineapple: a simple and delicious snack option
Ingredients (for 4 persons):
- grana padano — 200g
- canned pineapple rings — 1 can
- pepper mixture (or red hot pepper)
Arrange the pineapple rings on a platter. Place the pieces of grana padano cheese on top of the pineapples. Sprinkle everything on top with a mixture of peppers.
By the way, soon in Kiev (May 22-23) will be held the First festival of cheese art ProCheese Awards. There you will be able to taste a variety of cheeses from different manufacturers, learn cheese-making technologies and attend gastronomic master classes. The event will be held under the patronage of the professional community of connoisseurs of ProCheese cheese.
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