Black ice cream: a recipe for oriental exotics

Black ice cream has recently become a fashion trend. After all, we are all used to white or multicolored cold dessert. And suddenly, as if in revenge for all the rainbow variety, a curiosity appeared on the horizon – a completely black ice cream.
The idea of black ice cream was born in Japan and was soon picked up in America and other countries.
Of course, you want to try it, because they say that in addition to the original color, it is also very tasty. You can try to buy black ice cream, but it is much more interesting to prepare it with your own hands, especially since it is not difficult to find the right ingredients. How to make black ice cream at home, MustHub will tell you.
It's all about the black sesame seed paste – urbech. It is thanks to it that the final product gets a monochrome color. This eco-friendly natural product is made from raw black sesame seeds, ground on stone millstones, so that the paste retains all the vitamins and useful substances. Also, black ice cream can be flavored with charcoal and almonds, because charcoal is completely harmless to the body, but gives the dessert a black color.
We've already told you how to make ice cream at home. Now it's time to get acquainted with the exotic black sesame-flavored ice cream.
Black ice cream-what it's made of:
- 250 ml of fat milk,
- 250 ml of heavy cream,
- 4 egg yolks,
- 4 tablespoons black sesame paste,
- 0.5 cup sugar,
- 10 g of vanilla sugar.
Black ice cream-cooking recipe:
- Mix the milk with half the cream in a thick-walled bowl. Put the milk mixture on a medium heat and bring to a boil.
- Then turn down the heat and cook for 1 minute.
- Use a blender to thoroughly rub the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar.
- Gradually introduce the milk mixture into the ground yolks, whipping all the time with a whisk. Pour the mixture into a thick-walled bowl and return to a low heat.
- Constantly stirring, keep the mixture on the fire until a homogeneous cream is formed, about 2-3 minutes.
- Add the black sesame paste to the mixture and mix well.
- Cool the finished mixture, stirring it occasionally. You can put the vessel in a container with cold water to cool down faster.
- Beat the remaining cream with a blender until soft peaks. Add the cream to the cooled mass and beat it well again.
- Then put the mass in a container and send it to the freezer until it completely solidifies.
- Effectively serve ready-made black ice cream in a black cone or black cremanca.
Bon Appetit!