How to prepare strawberries for the winter: TOP 3 simple recipes

In the summer season, while the market is full of a variety of strawberries, it's time to take care of stocks for the whole year. The editors of MustHub offer you some of the easiest ways to prepare strawberries for the winter. You can freeze the berry, make a delicious jam and a fragrant compote from it.
Freezing strawberries
- Pick a berry: discard it if it's crumpled, rotten, or damaged.
- Wash thoroughly. You can not tear off the tails, especially if you will use the berries for decoration. Strawberries can be frozen as whole fruits, and halves.
- Arrange the berries on a paper towel so that they do not touch each other, and dry well.
- Put the berries on a cutting board and put them in the freezer for 2 hours.
- Then pour the berries into a storage container. You can use plastic trays or plastic bags. The main thing is that they are clean, dry and without third-party odors.
Strawberry jam
- Strawberries — 1 kg
- Sugar — 1 kg
Cooking method
- Clean the sepals, thoroughly wash the strawberries and pick them — the berries for jam should all be the same size. Lightly dry on a paper towel.
- Put the berries in a saucepan and cover with sugar. To mix the sugar, shake the pan slightly — you can not stir with a spoon, otherwise the berry will choke. Let the berry stand with sugar for 2 to 5 hours to let the juice flow.
- Put a saucepan of strawberries on a low heat and bring to a boil, stirring lightly with a wooden spoon.
- After boiling, boil for another 5 minutes.
- Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up the tin lid. Put the hot jar in the bottom and cover it with a towel.
- When the jam is completely cooled, you can put it in the pantry or cabinet.
Strawberry compote
Ingredients per liter jar
- Strawberries-400 g
- Sugar — 150 g
- Water — 500 ml
Cooking method
- Go through, wash the strawberries well and separate the sepals.
- Put the strawberries in a saucepan, cover with sugar. Sugar can be added or reduced, depending on what kind of compote you like.
- Pour boiling water and put it on the fire to cook for 10-15 minutes.
- While the compote is cooking, sterilize the cans and tin lids.
- Pour the hot compote into the sterilized jars to the very edges.
- Immediately roll up the tin lid with a preservation key.
- Turn the jar upside down and cover it with a towel.
- When the compote cools down, put it in the pantry.