Jam from green walnuts: an original recipe

In cooking, there are unique recipes for dishes with uncharacteristic ingredients. For example, jam made from zucchini or roses, green walnuts. It is the recipe of the latter that MustHub will share with you.
To cook walnut jam, you need to choose young walnuts of milk ripeness with a still soft shell. The cooking process is time-consuming and lengthy, but believe me, the result is worth it – you will get just an extraordinary dessert.
Green Walnut jam-ingredients:
- 1 kg of peeled green walnuts with a soft peel,
- 1.5 kg of sugar,
- 3 pieces of cloves or cardamom,
- 3 g of citric acid,
- lime water.
Jam from green walnuts-preparation:
- Before making jam from green walnuts, they need to be prepared. To do this, wash and peel the nuts, cutting the upper green peel to the shell with a knife, preferably with gloves, so that your hands do not darken.
- Pour the peeled nuts with cold water and leave to infuse for 3 days, so that the bitterness goes away. Change the water daily 2-3 times, and if it is very hot, then every 3-4 hours.
- Then fill the nuts with lime water. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, dilute 0.5 kg of slaked lime with 5 liters of water, let it stand for 4 hours and strain through cheesecloth.
- Leave the nuts for a day, stirring occasionally. After that, wash the nuts, prick them in several places with a fork and soak them again in cold water for 3 days, periodically changing the water.
- Blanch the nuts for 20 minutes.
- Prepare the syrup: mix sugar, citric acid, spices and 2 cups of water. Put the nuts in the hot syrup, boil it and leave it until it cools down completely (you can do it for a day).
- Repeat the cooking process 3 times and cook the jam from green walnuts for the last time until it thickens.
- Until fully cooked, soak the nut jam for 20 days.