Raspberry wine: how to cook at home

A great alternative to traditional wine can be berry wine, in particular raspberry. It is not only not inferior to a grape drink, but also has a special semi-sweet taste and an incredible aroma. The editors of MustHub share with you a recipe for how to properly prepare raspberry wine.
- Raspberries – 1 kg
- Pure artesian water – 1 l
- Sugar-500 g
Cooking method
- Go through the raspberries and sort the spoiled berries. It is impossible to wash raspberries for wine, since wild yeast lives on the surface, thanks to which the wort ferments.
- Mash the raspberries with a pusher until they are mashed, pour 300 g of sugar and pour 700 ml of water. Mix thoroughly to dissolve the sugar.
- Cover the container where the wine will ferment with a lid with a water seal. For bottles, instead of a lid, you can use a rubber glove, puncturing a hole for gas to escape. The container itself should not be filled to the top, you need a place for foam and carbon dioxide.
- Put it in a dark place to wander for 10 days. However, at this time, the first three days and then every two days, it will be necessary to thoroughly mix the resulting foam cap with the fermenting wort. This is necessary so that the gas comes out better and the wine does not peroxide. The main thing is to use a clean and dry stirrer.
- After 10 days, dissolve 100 g of sugar in 300 ml of water.
- Drain the wine from the cake through cheesecloth and pour the juice into the sweet water. Put it back under the water seal for 3-4 days.
- Add the remaining 100 g of sugar to the wine wort. Do not add any more water, dissolve the sugar, pour a little wine for this.
- Put it to wander again. The fermentation process will take place within 30-60 days. At this time, it does not need to be opened or mixed.
- 20 days after the last addition of sugar, the wine should be poured into another container without sediment for quiet fermentation. Otherwise, the sediment may give an unpleasant taste.
- When the glove is deflated or the water seal stops blowing gas bubbles, the wine is almost ready. Let it stand for another 5 days after that, so that it settles, and then pour it into bottles, repeatedly removing it from the sediment.
- .It is better to drink wine after this in 3 months, when it will gain taste.
- To make the wine more sweet and strong, you can add sarakh and alcohol (or vodka) to it.